Sunday, May 15, 2011

Life with Two

Is much busier than anyone can prepare you for! Phew. I am T-I-R-E-D. Being the Mom is kind of exhasting...know what I mean? I wish I had time to blog...and be able to eat lunch. My free 10 minutes here or there are spent shoving a sandwich down my throat or doing something really crazy like brushing my teeth.

The boys are great, though, and I can't complain. They are healthy, hilarious, and they really love each other. Well Penn loves Pollard as much as an almost 8 week old can love a 2 year old that is all over him at all times.
Speaking of which...look who's smiling BIG TIME! (as in alllll the time)

Baby Pumpkin Penn...6 weeks old in this picture...

It is hard describe, the fact that you love your 2nd just as much as your first. But you do, you really really really do.

Also loving a good stretch on the floor...

(could you EAT him with a spoon?)

Easter this year was uber-cool since Pollard was jazzed up about the bunny visiting "Powward's New House". We dressed in our Easter best and went to meet this bunny, but of course when it was his turn to sit on the bunny's knee, he wasn't so sure. In addition, the hunting of eggs caused

a meltdown. Of course it did, someone was trying to give you free candy, why not throw a fit?

Last weekend the 4 of us took our first family road trip to the beach for Mother's Day. Ahhhhh. It was just the change of scenery I needed. We figured we were gonna be worn out no matter where we were, so may as well be somewhere sandy where I can get fried shrimp. Lots of fun ensued...

What Pollard is up to:

1) Definitely a boy because he's OBSESSED with trucks, school "bussies", air-pwanes, pick up trucks, vans, Montgomery city buses (that's a good one), tractors...if it goes, we want to find it.

2) If Penn is crying, you can catch him over by the swing or wherever he is, patting his head saying "It's ok buddy, it's ok, it's ok", over and over and over again.

3) If Penn is crying, you can catch him pulling Penn's tiny baby hair as hard as he possibly can.

4) Is obsessed with his swingset in the back yard. He will run halfway out to it, stop, turn around and yell "Mama!! You wannt swing wif Powward??"

5) Still insane about the daggum Fresh Beat Band. I have memorized every episode and so has he.

What Penn is up to:

1) Sleeps when he wants, but does longer stretches here or there for me at night

2) Really easy to nurse, thank you Lord Jesus

3) LOVES taking a bath

4) Coos, oohs, ahhs, gurgles...LOVE it.

5) Loves to stretch out on the floor and his eyes always turn toward the colors on the TV.

6) Is probably sick of me kissing his cheeks off.

We are so blessed, and our life is great. We'll rest one day...I hope!


Rachel and Cameron said...

Love this post!! I'm sure it's not easy, but you have two absolutely precious boys!! Can't wait to see you all again!

Margaret said...

We should get Simms and Pollard together and let them put on a Fresh Beat Band concert. At least they'd be more fun to watch than the show :/ I am so tired of those songs too! Ha! The boys are adorable and edible, of course!

akiddtn said...

Cute cute cute cute cute cute CUTE! Love em and, yes, only a spoon would do to eat them both us. Love the photo at the top with the two bros together and, hey, the one of the left looks a LOT like our CFO for some reason! So happy to see you guys so happy, Linds, and, on another note, gosh I love those slipcovered chairs! :)