OK not all the way in, but you get the drift. The cold air helps their teensy-tinsy windpipes spread back out again. I never thought I'd say this but I do wish it were a cold wintry day and we could just go out for a bit. Nonetheless, punkin had fun playing in Mommy's newly organized freezer this morning.
[it might not look organized to you, but you should have seen it before. And yes, that is Publix brand premium yogurt, mint something-or-other. Do not get it or you will find yourself making specials trips at 7:30 on a Tuesday night because you've run out. Talk about embarassing when you go to the counter and all you have it that and some Tylenol Cold and Sinus.]
Don't forget to warn your wittle one that ice is...BRRRR! Cold!
After a steroid shot yesterday he's on the mend. But when he tried to do a high-pitched "Bye-bye!" this morning, and nothing came out, we knew we needed a weekend at home.